We did Words of Wisdom and terror from the guy's POV. Why not do one with
the girls warning Seven???? SNIRK!  This one is for Auntie M and Chance, all
for the encouragement.

Words of Truth and Terror
by Cat and Kadith
Rated NC-17

Disclaimer:  Do we gotta?

"Oh no!" Kathryn held up a hand, "My favorite is when they know its happening, and they bring you chocolate and coffee, and anything you want in bed and tell you, don't worry about it you can call in sick today." She snickered, "And then later that night they expect to get lucky!"

"But the absolute worst," B'Elanna started.

"Is the bloating, and the cramps, and the water retention!" Seven finished for both of them as her head fell onto the table. "It's irrelevant, it really is. Before having Thomas I never had to worry about it, but now..."  She trailed off with a small whimper.

Kathryn nodded, "Poor thing, but being pregnant is worse, of course there's nothing I can tell you about that you didn't find out for yourself. But just wait until the next time, you'll have Harry around to bug you." She leaned back in her seat and rested a hand against her own swollen belly, "But one thing is for certain, for some reason the sex has always been better when I've been pregnant."

B'Elanna nodded, "So that's why you keep popping them out?"

"Of course.  That's most of the fun.  That and watching Chakotay chase the girls around.  Why not give him a little more to do?"

B'Elanna grinned again.  "You know, that's exactly what I was thinking about Tom, which is why we are having another one."

Seven actually blanched.  "You are pregnant?"


Kathryn and Seven shared a look.  "Congratulations."

Kathryn took her friends hand.  "You will promise not to damage any of my personnel this time, right?"

B'Elanna laughed, at ease with both the looks and the questions.  "Ah Kathryn, you know I only gave Vorik a black eye and boxed Carey's ears, and that's because they wouldn't let me crawl through the Jefferies tubes."

Seven looked at her incredulously.  "You were seven months pregnant and bigger than the access panel.  It was completely illogical."

"Well, you were the only other person I trusted to do it right, and you were in Sickbay giving birth to baby Tom at the time."  B'Elanna gave her a funny look.  "Why did you name him Tom anyway?"

Seven looked down at her glass.  "I think I knew even then it would please Harry.  He was with me the whole time, and was very patient and understanding.  Tom was there as well.  It just seemed right.  Maybe for the same reason you named your son Harry?"  Seven glanced at them again.  "Captain?  There is one thing I don't understand.  While I love my son, and would never wish him gone, I couldn't stand to go through the pain of childbirth a second time.  How is it both of you are more than willing to do this again?"

Kathryn and B'Elanna shared another look.  "We're insane."

In a very Tuvok like manner Seven raised an eyebrow, "Indeed."

Kathryn rolled her eyes and leaned forward, "Seriously Seven, after I had the twins I swore I would never get pregnant again. Hell, I even swore I would never let Chakotay touch me again, but of course I did. There are some things you just can't say no to." She took a deep breath, "But I did get pregnant again, and I wasn't looking forward to the actual birthing process, but I was thrilled. And then I lost the baby, and that pain was like nothing I had ever felt before, in contrast giving birth was a needle prick. Insane?  Maybe, deliriously happy? Most definitely. You remember what it was like holding Tom for the first time, wondering what he was going to look like, or act like, can you really tell me that you never want to experience that again?"

Seven bowed her head and thought about it, "No, I cannot, but I believe I am very content with only one child. Harry and I have spoken of having other children, but decided only to wait. We will see what the future will bring."

Kathryn nodded, "Good choice, I trained you right." She looked then to B'Elanna, "So, when is it due?"

"In about 6 months, we think it's going to be a Christmas baby. Doc's having a hard time pinpointing the exact due date because of the Klingon DNA, just like with Harry. It looks like I'll know for sure when I go into labor."

"Figures," Kathryn shifted in her seat, "if this little one isn't right on time, we're going to have a little talk. I have plans, and giving birth on my wedding anniversary isn't one of them." She sighed then poured herself another glass of iced tea, "Anyway, where were we ladies? Oh yes, discussing the men. Did you know, that at this very moment Tom and Chakotay have Harry locked in the holodeck with them? No doubt scaring the poor guy to death."

B'Elanna snorted, "Oh yes, they're telling him all about their wives evil habits during each dirty little event Harry has yet to experience."

Seven's brow arched, "What would be the purpose of such an action?"

"Fun," Kathryn absently rubbed the swell of her belly, "they get a kick out of 'warnin' the men on this ship about what they're getting into. Thing is, they're both blissfully happy, they just like scaring everyone else shitless."

Seven raised her brow again.  "And the purpose of this get together?"

"Why to warn you about all the sick little things you have to put up with when you are married?"

"Captain?  Why would you warn me?  Aren't you afraid that it will have the same effect that Tom and Chakotay's meeting with Harry is going to have?"

Kathryn smiled and patted Seven on the arm.  "Of course not Seven.  As a matter of fact, you have turned to me for information often through the years.  I would worry about you if I didn't send you into marriage with the knowledge of how to deal with your mate once you are married."

Seven nodded.  "Of course.  Information that is relevant to the situation could be beneficial.  I will listen."

B'Elanna couldn't contain her giggle.  "The first thing to remember is that they are worse than children when they are sick or they want something.  You are expected to drop everything and cater to their needs."

Kathryn's head hit the table with a loud thump, accompanied by a loud groan, "Don't remind me, good god, please don't remind me." After a few moments she lifted her head to face B'Elanna's snickering and Seven's confused expression. "Last month when the twins caught the Delta Quadrant version of the chicken pox, I thought I was going to lose my mind trying to make them feel better and run the ship too. But that was nothing, I repeat *nothing* compared to what it was like when Chakotay came down with them the following week. I swear, he was worse then both of them put together. If he wasn't whining about the itch he was whining about being too hot, or too cold, or hungry or not hungry." She shook her head, "For a week I thought I had three
kids instead of just the two!"

B'Elanna nodded, "I know what she means, Tom is just as bad when he's sick, makes little Harry look like an adult."

"I do not understand how one's sex has anything to do with how one behaves when ill. Do you not complain and whine when you too are not feeling well?"  Seven frowned at them, confused again.

"No!" Both women said in unison.

Kathryn shook her head emphatically, "Sick or not I'm on that damned bridge, listening to Chakotay bitch and moan about me being there, as if that's making me feel better, because I already feel guilty about being sick to begin with!"

"Are you sure you do not act like a child Captain?"

"Of course not Seven.  I am a bitchy, cantankerous adult when I'm sick, but I don't whine like a baby."

B'Elanna nodded in agreement.  "And heaven forbid you not feel like playing when they do.  I swear they hit you with those pouty faces and the 'Are you sure you've got a headache?'  Men are pigs."

"Play?  I don't understand."  Seven turned confused eyes on her mentor.

"Sex, Seven..." Kathryn shook her head, "I've tried saying no, tried the headache routine, and everything else I could come up with..  It just doesn't work. No matter how hard I try, whenever that damned man wants to play, he gets to play."

B'Elanna nodded, "Yup, same here, with Tom that is." She shook her head, "It's not fair, when we want to play, what do they do?"

"Roll over and pretend to be asleep," all eyes turned to Seven who just shrugged, "well he does. Harry can be most decisive when he chooses to be so."

Kathryn chuckled, "And quite responsive too, I'm sure."

"Yes, it doesn't take much to get him interested.  But, one thing I don't understand is this fascination he has with leather and chains.  Can you explain that to me?"

B'Elanna choked on her drink as Kathryn dissolved in a fit of giggles.  B'Elanna shook her head.  "You just told me more about Harry then I ever knew, or wanted to know."

"I don't understand."

Kathryn snickered, "Of course you don't." She wiggled her brows, "I have to tell you though, there are times when I'm pregnant that I get so damned horny I'm willing to try anything, even leather and chains."

B'Elanna let her head fall to the table, "I'm in a delicate condition right now, I really don't need to hear this."

Seven just shook her head, "I still do not understand."

"Sometimes men, and women, need to...express themselves in a different way when in the bedroom." Kathryn shrugged, "When Chakotay and I first got involved he was surprised that I was, how did he put it, submissive in the bedroom. He had expected me to be more in command, but between you and me, I spend all day in command, I don't want to do it when I'm making love to my husband too."

B'Elanna held up a hand.  "Oh please, you guys are really scaring me.  You have just told me more than I needed to know."  She lifted her head and grinned at Kathryn.  "Are you really submissive in the bedroom?"

Kathryn shrugged.  "Believe it or not, most of the time I am.  Oh we have a mutual admiration society, but I kinda like it when he takes charge."

Seven threw them both a bewildered look.  "So it is acceptable for Harry to ask and expect more than just coupling?"

"Oh course it is.  What the two of you choose to do is alright as long as it is alright with both of you.  If there is something you are not comfortable with, tell Harry.  If he truly cares, and I believe he does, he will take the time to help you become comfortable, or if that doesn't work, accept that you aren't going to get that way.  Marriage is all about learning and growing and becoming so much more than you were before.  I joke about it, and Chakotay can be persistent, but no always means no when it comes to our sexual relations, for both of us."

B'Elanna nodded in agreement.  "Tom may whine like a little boy, but he respects my wishes.  Though I have to say, it doesn't stop him from trying."

Kathryn shot them a wicked grin, "And unless I'm in a really really lousy mood, Chakotay usually gets what he wants... because believe me ladies," she waggled her brows, "sometimes its more fun when he's trying to convince me to have sex then when its a mutual decision."

"Okay, that's it," B'Elanna stood, "I gotta get out of here, I can't take any more of this."

Kathryn laughed, "They should be about done with Harry by now anyway." She stood to walk them both out, "Hey B'Elanna, do you mind taking the twins tonight? I was a little crabby earlier... and Chakotay caught the wrong side of my mood. I'd like to make it up to him...if you know what I mean." 

B'Elanna snickered as she stood.  "Oh yeah, I know what you mean.  I'll take your demons if you agree to take Harry tomorrow.  I plan to inform my husband he's going to be a father again, and help him celebrate."

Kathryn giggled and nodded.  "I think I can handle the boy, or at least the girls can.  They keep them both in line.  Makes me wonder if I have something to worry about in the future."

Seven smiled.  "My Tom is a good boy Captain, you need not worry about him bothering your girls."

Kathryn smiled again.  "I'm not worried about Tom, Seven or Harry for that matter.  All I have to tell them is Chakotay will kill them if they touch the girls, and they'll never do more than consider it.  No, it's my demons I worry about.  If anything is going to happen, they are going to be the instigators somehow."

B'Elanna put an arm around Kathryn's shoulders and the other around Seven's.  "You know, sometimes your insight on those girls scares me.  Makes me wonder what you were like as a child."

"No comment.  My mother used to tell me though that a wise woman always made it a point to know her children.  Mine are amazing and mischievous and absolutely the joy of my life, and I'm going to watch them like hawks, especially around those boys of yours."

She headed back to her quarters and packed the girls and walked them to the Paris's.  After turning them over to B'Elanna and giving them kisses goodbye, she hurried back to her quarters.  She quickly showered and slipped into a nightgown she had been saving.  After pulling it on she glanced at herself in the mirror, grinning at the barely hidden glimpses of her body it offered.  She ran her hands down her sides and tugged at the thigh high slits that ran up the side.  Once more she gave herself the once over and went out to dim the lights, and wait for her husband.  She leaned against the wall, arms crossed over her breasts.  It wasn't a long wait.  Within moments, Chakotay came whistling through the door.  She grinned as he walked and reached out, grabbing him and spinning him into the wall.  She followed the force of her action with her body.  She kissed him hard and with more than a bit of force, driving her tongue into his mouth and pressing wildly against him. She gave him a decisive shove, her eyes darkening when he hit the wall with a deep grunt. A wicked chuckle left her lips as she reached for the front of his uniform jacket, with a hard jerk she yanked it open and pushed it from his shoulders. Her hands slipped briefly beneath his waist band as she pulled his shirt from his pants and slipped it over his head. It was then that a deep growl sounded in her throat, she reached for his shoulders again and held him in place against the wall as her head lowered. Her mouth clamped down over a nipple, her teeth immediately biting down on the nipple, hard enough to make him wince. Their moans however, were simultaneous as her tongue flickered over the sore spot, easing the pain.

She glanced up at him then, her lust darkened eyes beckoning him to do something about her playful mood. One brow slipped toward her hairline as a hand slid down his front, she was daring him to take her.

He reached for her, slid one arm around her waist and lifted her, then pressed her against the wall again, bracing her. His eyes slid appreciatively over her black, transparent clad body. A thrill ran down her spine as he groaned, tightened his grip around her waist, and yanked the hem of the thin night gown around her thighs. Kathryn moaned when his lips took possession of her neck, licking and biting his way upward toward her mouth. Once there, he pulled on her lips, tugging her lower lip into his mouth and suckling gently. "Where are the kids?" He growled softly.

She groaned and arched provocatively against him, "Slumber party at the Paris'." She sensed his mood change dramatically, as did his grip on her body. He shifted her slightly and she steeled herself for what would come next, a gasp leaving her body at the exact same moment he drove his fingers deeply within her body. She was more than ready for him, had been all evening, and responded by arching and moaning in delight. An evil smile slipped across her face as her nails sank deeply into his shoulders, drawing blood.  

The feel of her nails sinking into his flesh seemed to arouse him to a frenzy and before she could do more than gasp, he was hot and hard inside her, filling her, driving her crazy.  She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist and arching into him.  Unable to resist, she bit his ear.  "God I love it like this.  There is nothing like a strong male you love, pinning you to a wall and making you crazy with his body.  Her eyes closed in pure bliss as he thrust harder inside her.

He spoke then, each word punctuated by movements of his body.  "Gods, I promise, after this kid gets here I'll pin you down and show you what crazy really is."

She lowered her head as the waves of pleasure washed over her and bit his shoulder.  "Promises, promises."  An undiluted groan of pleasure forced its way out of her as he moved his hand down her body and between her legs, stroking and teasing until her first orgasm washed over her.  Kathryn bucked against him and screamed in abandonment, and then again as another one raced through her.  Chakotay was fast on his way to following her, she could feel it in every movement and flex of his muscles.  She squeezed herself around him, marveling at his groan, waiting and rising once more to meet him."Paris to Commander Chakotay"

She almost smiled as he growled but then he stopped moving, holding her still with his body, her own sounds of frustration and near completion echoing from her mouth in little gasps.  She could here the anger and arousal in the huskiness of Chakotay's voice as he growled out a response.  "This better be damned important Tom."

A soft chuckle could be heard over the com system.  "Well the kids just wanted to say goodnight.  Who am I to deny them a chat with their parents?"  Another chuckle floated through the system.

Kathryn groaned against Chakotay's neck and bit lightly.  "I swear I'm going to transport him into space without a suit." 

They both froze as a sleepy voice whispered "Nite Daddy!"

She gasped as his hand slid down to where they were joined and teased her into a frenzy once more, his voice going a bit huskier as he replied.  "Goodnight little princess.  I love you."

"Luff you too, Daddy."

She gasped as he brushed a kiss by her ear and worked her harder.  "Oh, Kadi, you and Kat be sure and snuggle in with Aunt B'Elanna and Uncle Tom tonight.  They need someone to cuddle with."

She couldn't hold back a grin as a chorus of "Kay" and "Nite" followed his remark.  She actually laughed as Tom groaned.  As the comlink cut off Chakotay leaned down once more.  "Where were we?" he asked as his mouth closed over hers.

She grinned and kissed him back, her tongue thoroughly exploring his mouth as she clenched and unclenched the muscles surrounding his erection. "Have I told you recently how brilliant you are?" She purred against his ear as she arched into him, rolling her hips against his thrusting body.

"Yes," he grunted, "but feel free to beam Tom into space anyway." He moved slowly inside her, causing her to pant and moan in frustration as he began rebuilding the wild pace they'd been engaged in before the interruption. Kathryn gasped in surprise as he shifted her against him and swung her around, walking them toward the bedroom. When he lowered her to the bed and pinned her arms over her head she grunted with frustration, bucking against him in an effort to get free. Chakotay, however, had none of it and launched back into his explorations. His free hand resumed his caress of her already too sensitive skin, causing her to jerk and gasp as she moved against him in a counter thrust. When he finally increased his pace she clenched and held her muscles around him, smiling slightly when he groaned loudly.

Chakotay's hand moved vigorously against her wet center, driving her fast and hard into another climax. She screamed as she came, Chakotay's release spilling into her as she contracted around him, his cries of pleasure joining hers to bounce off the walls of the empty cabin.

A chuckle rumbled deeply within her chest as he rested his forehead against hers, "God I love it when you're pregnant."

"Oh?" She leaned forward and licked away a small trickle of sweat that was making its way down his cheek, "really? And why is that?"

"Despite the obvious fact that you are carrying my child and I love you, your sex drive is multiplied by ten. I much prefer the sexual marathon every week to once a month."

Her brow knitted in confusion, "Once a month?"

"Yep, right after the Queen Bitch leaves. Sometimes you almost kill me."

She blushed furiously, "Chakotay!" Her shrill cry bounced off the walls of their bedroom.

"What? It's true. Not that I don't love making love to you the rest of the time. But I must tell you my love, there are definitely advantages to being married to you."

She snorted and shifted beneath him, her hands sliding down his shoulders and back to cup his bottom, "Nice recovery command boy."


She leaned forward once more, this time to nibble on his ear, "What were you guys up to tonight."

"Oh, nothing much." He sounded quite smug, "Just offering Harry some friendly marital advice."

She laughed as she snuggled closer to his body, knowing he delighted in these little 'teaching sessions' of his. "That wouldn't be anything like the advice you gave Tom last year about new babies would it."

His look was completely innocent; "Now Kathryn, do you honestly think I would try to scare the kid this close to his wedding?"

Her brow shot up as she reached over and pinched his butt, "Like I don't know any better. You know Chakotay, before you get into trouble, maybe you better show me again how much you like me pregnant." As if in demonstration she arched against him, her hands gently kneading the muscles of his bottom.

She gasped as he moved against her once more and proceeded to do just that.
