Disclaimer: TPTB can claim Voyager and its crew if they wanna… but our trip to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure was all ours! And riding the Dueling Dragons Roller Coaster...WAY KEWL!  Hey sissy.. can we go back????? I wanna ride em both this time.. and that big green Incredible Hulk one too!

Sure Kadi-luv, after all that's what vacations are for.  See you and Chance in three weeks so we can tackle the rides of Texas…

Also would like to dedicate this one to Brat, Nada, and Runt, without whom we would never of had so much fun coming up with reasons to yell hand check on our outings.  Of course, if Kadi hadn't been flirting with my fiancé in the back seat…(Hey, You told me to break Him in for you! Can I help it if I exhausted him before you got around to him?) Also, we really hope you enjoy our exploits, so of which are true experiences, and some truly devious machinations of our minds.

Lessons in Vacationing 101
by Kat and Kadi
Rated NC-17

"But Captain, I fail to see the purpose of this interaction."

Kathryn sighed and glanced out the viewport as she tried to impress once more on Seven the significance of yet another adventure in humanity.   "It's all about the interaction Seven. It's a chance to break free from the daily grind of life and do something totally out of the norm."

"But Lieutenant Torres doesn't even like me, why would she bother to invite me on this vacation she is going on?"

"B'Elanna likes you just fine. She invited you so that you could pair  off with Harry and round out the group. Sometimes it is awkward to be  the third wheel. There is also the fact that you might enjoy doing   something that
someone else does, and the others don't, and then you have a partner to share with."

"Ensign Kim and I do not have a romantic relationship and I have no desire to alter that fact. By going would I not be giving him the  impression that I might? After all, Torres and Paris are engaged in a romantic relationship."

"Seven, they invited you to give Harry a companion to share time with because they knew they would be involved with one another as well. I'm also sure they thought that this experience might be educational for you. I can promise that they have no designs to force a romantic relationship between yourself and Harry."

"I am not certain this is a wise decision."

Kathryn leaned forward and sighed. "Seven, I will not order you to go on this vacation, nor will I suggest that you volunteer to go. This is one of those social decisions you have to make for yourself. However, I think it's an excellent learning experience for you and I think you will have fun. Give it a try."

Kathryn watched, amusement sneaking up on her as Seven's face wrinkled into a look somewhere between annoyance and confusion. "I will consider the matter carefully Captain and inform the others of my decision soon." She started to exit, but paused for a moment, "Are you planning on participating in shore leave Captain?"

She shook her head, "No actually, I have a lot that requires my  attention. But I do hope others take this opportunity to enjoy themselves." She tried stressing her wish for Seven to join the other bridge officers, without
actually trying to be obvious.

"As you wish Captain," Seven exited the ready room, perplexed and more than slightly confused. Had the Captain not just spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to convince her to go, using excuses like good opportunity,
need for rest and entertainment, then refused to go  herself? It was a strange thing Command, and worth looking into, she would have to ask Ensign Paris or perhaps Commander Chakotay why the Captain's position so often
excluded her from crew activities.

Twenty minutes after Seven left, the chime on Kathryn's door rang. She slowly lowered the report she was reading and rubbed at the back of her neck.  Groaning softly, she sat back and called, "Come," to whoever was
demanding her attention. Her eyes widened slightly as Torres, Paris, Kim, Seven and Chakotay entered her office. Sensing that something was about to happen that she was going to regret, Kathryn smiled a hesitant welcome and
gestured them to take a seat. "To what do I owe this honor?"

Torres grinned as she started to explain. "Well Captain, it's sort of like this. You see, Chakotay has agreed to join us on the planet, as has Seven, so by all counts, that leaves us at odds again, and the Commander is the odd
man out. We figured you needed a vacation as badly as the rest of us, and if you joined us, then the Commander would have someone to partner off with."

Alarm bells went off in her head immediately, there was just something about the words Chakotay and partner in the same sentence that set her on edge. "I appreciate the invite, but I really can't, I have a lot of work to do.
Surely you'll find someone, Neelix perhaps?" She almost laughed out loud when the group winced as one.

"But Captain," Tom protested, "think about it, it's been years since the senior staff has had a chance to do anything like this together. It'll be fun, and you know full well the Doctor told you to take time off."

Kathryn's eyes narrowed, "If time permitted." She purposely refused to meet Chakotay's gaze, "You'll have a perfectly good time without me, probably even more fun."

Seven stepped forward, "Captain, was it not your intention to convince me to accompany the shore leave rotation for the experience? For a chance to get away from..." She paused seeking the actual wording, or very close to it,
"The every day grind of things? It would be prudent for you to consider your own words and follow that advice."

Kathryn placed her hands on the desk. "Now Seven, there is a big  difference here. I've had those types of experiences, and have no desire to repeat them. Besides which, as Captain I have certain responsibilities to the ship.  I don't have time to go out and play."

Chakotay leaned forward, his face nearly in hers. "That's a load of crap Kathryn and you know it. You haven't broken down and had fun in so long that you wouldn't know what it was if it came up and bit you on the butt."

"You are way out of line Commander."

Seven watched the by-play for several moments. "That's alright Captain. If you do not care for the experience, I am certain I shall not. I retract my agreement to go."

Harry threw his hands up in the air. "Great, now I'm stuck with Chakotay. No offense old man, but I'd rather ride a roller coaster with Seven."

Chakotay gave him a half grin. "So would I my friend, so would I. Well that settles it. I won't go either. Perhaps I'll hang around here Captain and help you get some of those reports caught up on."

Harry growled. "Hell if I got to be a third wheel, I ain't going."

"Tom!!!" B'Elanna threw him a desperate glance. "This was suppose to be a group thing because we never get to do anything together anymore."

Tom shrugged and scowled at Kathryn. "Don't blame me. The Captain is the party pooper. I just drive the shuttle."

The half Klingon growled, "Bloody well fine then, I didn't really need to leave my engines anyway." She turned to walk out of the room, "Guess I'll see everyone at the next crisis then, since that's just about the only time
we're together anymore."

Kathryn closed her eyes and tried counting to ten, "Hold it right there Lieutenant." She stood slowly, "I will not be held accountable because you five have decided to act like a bunch of spoiled children instead of Starfleet officers." She sighed wearily, "Nor will I be the reason you've canceled much deserved vacation time. I'll go," she held up a hand in warning, "But I promise you'll all wish I hadn't and be sorry in the end." Slumping back down into her chair she shook her head, "I'd almost swear this was carefully planned out."

Because her eyes were closed she missed the quick exchange of grins. B'Elanna bounced over to her and gave her a huge and startling hug before bouncing back out of the room with Tom in tow. Harry shook his head and
guided Seven from the room. Chakotay smiled gently as he told her to meet them in shuttle bay two at 0700 the next day.

She watched them go and slowly nodded her head, "Well Kathryn old girl," she said to the now empty room, "you've just been had." She started laughing as she thought about it, the lengths her crew went to just to get her to go on vacation. She was really going to have to start hiding from them at shore leave time. Knowing she'd have to start packing immediately if she was going to be ready to leave with the others, she decided to retire to her quarters
for the day, the reports would just have to wait until she got back. Not that she really minded, but she wasn't about to admit that, least of all to Chakotay.

When she got to her quarters she was faced with the difficult decision of what to wear and what to pack. Gods she hated packing, hated it almost as much her yearly physical examinations. It wasn't like she had that much of a
wardrobe to choose from, but still, she really had no idea what the group had planned beyond a tore of the Unisians version of an Amusement Park.  Kathryn sighed as she stared into her closet, finally she settled on several outfits and pulled them out. She took them over to her bed and lay them out, trying to decide on a final choice. Finally, she just closed her eyes and reached for one. The outfit she chose was a light weight, beige tank top in silk, with a matching floral wrap-skirt that flowed around her knees. She hung the outfit on the back of her dressing chair, then went back into her closet and pulled out a pair of tan sandals, that had an inch of cushioned sole, they'd be just perfect for walking around all day.

Her outfit complete, Kathryn moved around her quarters gathering other things she'd need for the day away from the ship. She managed to find a nap sack in the back of her closet, and in it she put her combadge, a tricorder,
and a holo-imager. When she was finished she lay it with her sandals then moved over and plopped down on the bed. There was nothing else she could think of for the moment that she needed. So instead she began to wonder just how it was she'd managed to be taken in by two ensigns, an uncomprehending borg, a lieutenant with too much time on her hands, and a meddling first officer.

As she rolled over, she snickered to herself. It was obvious she been had. She had walked into that little trap like a naive first year cadet. Gods, she must be slipping big time. Well there was only one course of action. She would go, have a great time, and make them work double shifts when they got back to the ship. With a decisive nod, she snuggled into her pillow, ordered the computer to wake her at an appropriate time, and drifted off to sleep.


They were waiting for her when she walked into the shuttle bay the following morning, smug grins planted on all of their faces. It was all she could do to ignore them as she climbed aboard the Delta flyer and took a seat near the

"Hey Paris," Chakotay called over his shoulder from inside the flyer. "You owe me a week's worth of rations, I told you she wouldn't wear her uniform."

Kathryn's eyes narrowed them, "Why Commander, I wasn't aware you were planning my wardrobe now. Tell me," she adjusted her skirt, "is this the right length, or should it be shorter?" She snickered when his eyes glazed
over and resettled back into her seat. "So Mr. Paris," she asked when he boarded the shuttle, "What is our itinerary today?"

"Well Ma'am," he spoke as he began powering up the shuttle craft, "Because the Unisians don't allow alien craft to dock within 3 light years of their home world, we'll be taking the shuttle to a visitor's center about 4 light
years from the station, then we're scheduled to board a transport shuttle that will take us to the planet."

Her brow knitted, "What did the use of the transport shuttle cost us?"

Chakotay swiveled around in his seat, "The shuttle was secured in our trade agreements. It and two others are available for Voyager's use as long as we're docked at their space station."

She nodded, "Very well then, so what next? I think I vaguely remember something about an amusement park?"

"We're spending the day at one, it's located on their northern hemisphere," Chakotay explained. "Apparently it's the largest one on the planet, and according to Tom, not that dissimilar from those on Earth."

"Actually," Tom tossed over his shoulder, "I did some checking, and it's really a lot like the theme parks of the late 20th and early 21st century."

"Amusement parks? Weren't the parks of that era geared more toward children?"

Tom shrugged. "Well some of them were, but there were rides and  activities for the adults as well. They provided some literature on the park we are going to. I for one can hardly wait to try out the roller coasters."

Kathryn tipped her head to one side. "What precisely is a roller coaster?"

B'Elanna grinned and chuckled. "Picture Chakotay flying a shuttle and not quite crashing."

Her eyes widened momentarily before she bolted up out of her seat, "That's it, I'm staying, you're not getting me anywhere near that place. Tom stop the shuttle, I'm getting out."

Chakotay frowned, and tried not to look too hurt, "I resent that remark, just because I may have crashed a few shuttles doesn't mean I crash every one I get into."

Kathryn whirled to face him, her eyes twinkling, "No, just every other one." She sank into a seat near him, "Remind me not to ride one of those hideous things B'Elanna."

"Aye-aye Captain." The Lieutenant chuckled, "There are also shops and various shows planned through out the day, you may find those more to your liking."

"Another thing," she addressed them all, "You convinced, and I use that term lightly, me to come on this little excursion, and since I intend to at least try to enjoy myself, I don't want to be called Captain today. You can all
call me Kathryn, at least until we get back to the ship."

Seven blinked in surprise as a round of "Aye aye Kathryn" echoed the small shuttle. Turning her head towards Kathryn, she frowned. "Cap.. Kathryn? I fail to see the significance of getting on a shuttle that nearly crashes.
Please explain."

Kathryn had opened her mouth to speak, but Harry jumped in. "It's all part of the fun Seven. Your body is hurtling through the air, adrenaline kicks in, gravity forces you into your seat, and just when you think you're safe, another unexpected turn or drop hurtles you through the air once more. It's the thrill of flying, but knowing that you are perfectly safe."

"But I have experienced a crashing ship, I have no desire to simulate that same experience."

"Well you haven't done it with a bunch of friends screaming 'Woo-hoo' in you're ear."

As Seven's brow raised, Tom snickered. "Face it Harry, Seven's a virgin, she hasn't done it at all." He nudged B'Elanna and pointed to Kathryn. "And from the look on Kathryn's face, she's going to get a new experience as well." Chuckling at his own humor, and unable to stop himself Tom whistled low."Just think Old Man, you're finally gonna get to break her in right."

Her first reaction would have been to toss the cocky pilot through the view screen, but Kathryn quickly squelched it and said quite easily, "I assure you Mr. Paris I lost my virginity a long time ago, and," she stood and crossed
to lean low over his seat and said in a frightening low tone, "not that its any of your business but, I don't need any breaking in, you on the other hand," She let her eyes sweep over his body then shook her head sympathetically and
looked at B'Elanna, "Good luck B'Elanna, you're gonna need it."

Paris stared in shock at her as she retook her seat, then looked from Harry to B'Elanna who were laughing hysterically, "Thanks a lot guys."

Several hours later Kathryn stood staring at the roller coaster hurtling through the air. With each pass, the two separate coasters seemed to barely miss each other. Logically she knew that there was more room between the two then there seemed to be, but she couldn't stop her heart from lodging in her throat as the screams from above reached her. As they moved forward in the line she closed her eyes. They were almost there and once more she had allowed her senior staff to convince her to do something she wasn't certain she wanted to do. Unfortunately she couldn't figure out a way out without losing face, and even though they were on vacation, she was still ultimately
the captain. It seemed she had only just screwed back on her courage and they were hustling her into a seat. In the blink of an eye she was rocketing through the air. She just prayed Chakotay didn't mind the imprint of her
nails as she hung on for dear life.

The Sparkle in Kathryn's eyes increased as Paris' head once more disappeared into the trash can and the sounds of retching could be heard. She had actually enjoyed the ride, once she got used to it, but her ultimate triumph
was watching the smart mouthed Ensign puke up his breakfast. He had been the one after all who had pushed for her to ride the damn thing anyway. With a snicker, she placed her hand in Chakotay's and led him towards the nearest shop.

"We so have to ride that one again," she said as she gently fingered a crystal figurine. With a gentle grace she lifted it to eye level and turned it, her eyes lighting up as it caught the afternoon sunlight and shimmered in hues of red and blue. Glancing sideways she caught Chakotay's eye, "Remind to come back by here before we leave, I want to get one of these."

"Look at this one," he stood behind her, leaning over her shoulder to pick up another, larger figurine. This one, like the other was made of a crystal like material, and like the other, was of an animal of some sort. Chakotay's
breath brushed across the curve of her neck, he held the figurine out to her with one hand, and with the other lightly gripped her side, his front pressing lightly against her back. "Notice the front, you can see a smaller
creature, like an offspring."

Her mouth made a slight "O" as she took it from him, gingerly turning it in study. "On second thought, I want this one." She smiled up at him and placed the figurine back in it's spot, "But I don't want to carry anything like
this around with us all day."

"Agreed," he gave her side a squeeze as he stepped away, his hand  lightly brushing across her rear as he moved.

Kathryn gasped, then quickly tried to conceal it. Her eyes narrowed as she studied his back, it had been all she could do not to shiver as he'd stood so close, and part of her wondered if he'd done it on purpose. *Of course he
did you fool!* She admonished herself, he'd been making subtle moves on her all day. It had started when they'd boarded the transport shuttle, and she'd been forced to sit in the back of the thing with him. The shuttle had been
designed as a sort of space bus, with three rows of benched seats, then two captain's chairs in the front. Naturally, since Tom was piloting B'Elanna had sat in the front with him, and Harry and Seven had sat together right behind
them. Therefore she'd been stuck with Chakotay in the rear of the shuttle, since the second had been used for their bags and coolers and such.  She'd tried sitting comfortably in the corner of the seat, but no matter what she
did, every time she moved her thigh would brush his, or his hand would 'innocently' wander to her knee.

Kathryn tried to plaster a smile onto her face as she followed Chakotay out of the shop to rejoin the others. "What do you all want to do next?" She grinned at Tom, "How about that big green roller coaster we passed on the
way in, we could always hit that one now?"

"No!" Tom said all too quickly, "That is, not now, why don't we wander around a little while and see what else we can find."

B'Elanna pulled out the map she'd obtained when they'd entered the park, "They've got some water rides and such over in the west corner, and it is starting to get hot around here."

Kathryn nodded, "Sounds good to me, Chakotay?"

The image of Kathryn wearing a wet silk top and skirt flittered through his mind, almost causing him to groan. He smiled instead, "Perfect," he was never one to object to a little eye candy.

Harry and Seven nodded in agreement and the group started off in the direction B'Elanna had indicated. They hadn't gotten far when Harry pointed to a large stone statue, "Hey, the Doc asked me to bring his holo-imager and
grab a few shots, why don't we get one of those over with now?"

Everyone groaned, but moved over to stand in front of the statue. It was of a narrow design, and portrayed a large dragon type creature standing upright in defiance. Harry eyed the structure and thought of the best way to take the picture, "Tom, you and Seven sit on it's tale," he pointed to where the dragon's tale curled around to rest before the statue's stone base. He waited for them to get into position, and nodded approvingly as B'Elanna sat
casually on the paved ground and leaned back between Tom's legs. "Okay..." He chewed on the inside of his cheek and looked for a suitable stance for the Captain and Commander.

"Wait," Chakotay stepped toward the statue, "I have an idea." He snagged Kathryn's hand and pulled her with him. The statue was positioned on a small stand, and there was room just to the side of where the creature stood for him and Kathryn. "You can get on your knees and I'll sit in front of you."

She eyed him curiously then shrugged and crawled onto the stone base. When she was in position, he propped himself against the base just in front of her. She had to rest her arms across his shoulders and lean into him to make
the position comfortable.

"Great," Harry backed up with the imager to get the whole shot in view, "Now everyone smile and say I hate Leola Root."

"Wait, Harry, what about you?" Kathryn asked, a frown knitting her brows.

He shrugged, "Someone else can take the next one."

She sighed, "Alright," and planted a smile on her face just as he took the picture.


Kathryn stared at the park attendant in disbelief. "You want me to what?"

"Ma'am there are others waiting. Please get into the boat. Two of you should fit easily in the seat."

"Come on Kathryn."

"Yeah, we're waiting on you."

Kathryn stepped back and raised her hand. "I don't think... You guys go on ahead. I'll meet you at the exit." She tried to ignore their frowns and complaints as she turned away.

"I don't think so." Kathryn's' mouth opened in shock as Chakotay caught her by the arm and guided her back to the boat. Once within range, he lifted her into the seat and quickly stepped in behind her. As he sat he left her no
choice but to do the same by pulling her down into his arms. Even as she tumbled into his lap the boat began moving. She was certain she saw the attendant grinning.

Kathryn let out a gasp as Chakotay's hands closed on her bare thighs. Somehow her skirt had risen up as Chakotay had pulled her down. Even as her hands flew to cover his, he chuckled. "Relax will you Kathryn? I'm just trying to help you adjust your legs so you won't be uncomfortable."

"I'm already uncomfortable." She hissed as she pushed his hands away. Then a slight drop caught her attention and her fingers were digging into his thighs as cold water washed into the boat and over her. She was certain she heard
Chakotay chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

*Oh my god!* She thought, *why didn't I bring an extra change of clothes with me? And what was I thinking wearing silk!" She could feel the heat from his hands through her wet tank top, it was almost as if he were touching her bare skin. Her blouse and skirt clung to her skin, and she could feel her hair curling around her neck. *Great, I bet I look like a drowned rat.*

The boat they were in jerked as it moved around a corner, then swooped down another decline. And she could swear as they entered a dark tunnel that she felt Chakotay's lips on her bare shoulder. She gasped suddenly when one of his hands moved down between their bodies, moving against her bottom.

"Sorry," he chuckled, "just trying to fix your skirt for you..."

She growled softly and tried to pull herself forward a little when the boat began to ride up a steep incline, but she had little luck as Chakotay secured her against him. When they reached the top of the incline she turned to face
him, "You're so going to pay for this," she growled. Then she turned around, only to scream with everyone else as the boat plummeted downward.


Chakotay tried not to notice the way Kathryn's clothes clung to her body. Immediately after getting out of the boat she had insisted on going into the nearest shop and purchasing a towel. Each move of her arms gave him
tantalizing glimpses of her breast in the clinging wet silk. He couldn't help but grin when he considered all the fun he had had today, especially trying to get out of that boat.

Kathryn had tried to scramble out of the boat the instant they had stopped, but somehow her skirt had gotten caught under her thighs. She had only raised herself about halfway up when the skirt had snagged and caused her to tumble back into his lap. He had gotten a handful of her butt and a tempting handful of breast in the bargain as he had caught her.

Kathryn took one look at his face and scowled. "Wipe that smirk off your face."

He had tried, desperately, not to laugh, and even more desperately to fight his growing arousal. In the end he'd righted her skirt for her and given her a gentle boost out of the boat, then he'd followed her.

Chakotay's eyes twinkled as he watched her toweling her hair dry, her arms were stretching upward over her head, giving him a very enticing view of her breasts. Without thinking he moved toward her and whispered in a husky voice, "You know Kathryn, I always imagined you having lovely breasts, thanks for sharing the view." When she looked on him with startled eyes he winked and moved away.

Growling, Kathryn pulled her hair into a pony tail and tied the towel around her waist. She caught up with him easily and promised in a deadly voice, "You're a dead man."

His response was lost in the sudden rumbling of thunder. The group cast a startled glance at the sky and was surprised to find the once clear blue expanse suddenly filled with dark, stormy clouds. By unspoken consensus the
group headed for the shuttle.


Kathryn stared at the shuttle attendant in shock. "What do you mean we can't board the shuttle? We have to get back to the Visitor's Center and get back to our ship."

The young woman pasted an expression of polite disinterest on her face as she responded. "I'm sorry ma'am but the storm is interfering with shuttle functions. It's not safe to take a shuttle out in this type of weather."

"Well what are we supposed to do?"

"I'd suggest getting a room at the resort hotel for the night. The storm is expected to last hours and the hotels have a tendency to fill up at times like these. I would recommend you hurrying."

Kathryn's eyes narrowed as she stared at the young woman, it was on the tip of her tongue to tell the young woman just where she could shove her suggestions, when Chakotay took her arm and led her away.

"She's right, it's already starting to rain." He looked around at the others and gestured them into the direction of the resort.

Kathryn growled as the light drizzle turned into heavy rain, "Well that's just perfect."

"Don't feel too bad," Tom popped off, "at least you were already wet."

"Oh come on," Harry interjected before anyone could be hit, "Let's not let a little rain ruin our good time. What's a night on the planet? It just means we get a little more time off."

"If you say so Ensign," Kathryn crossed her arms over her chest as her silk blouse began to grow even more transparent.

It didn't take the group very long to reach the resort, but the effort was useless, it was already booked up for the night. Reluctantly, they trudged back out into the rain and tried another hotel, only to find it too booked up. And so it went as they tried three more hotels, finally finding a small inn that looked like it was at least a century old. It could only offer them one room, with two double beds, and unfortunately they only had two cots left. It appeared someone was going to be sharing their bed, whether they liked it or not.

Kathryn shot a desperate glance around the room, searching for something to cover her now drenched and shivering body. A low growl escaped her throat as she noticed that even the bed linens were missing from the beds. "How are we suppose to sleep and get dry if there are no linens? It's not like they have anything else we can use."

Chakotay sighed and draped an arm over her shoulders. "If you'll just be patient, the manager said that they had just cleaned the room and would be bringing some supplies as soon as possible."

Kathryn glared at him. "How can I be patient? I'm freezing."

Tom glanced up from were he and B'Elanna were cuddling. "If you'd quit bitching and cuddle with the commander you wouldn't be so cold." He motioned over to Harry and Seven who were also making the best of sharing body heat. "See even Seven knows how to make use of a willing man."

Kathryn's jaw dropped and her face flushed an angry red. She slapped Chakotay's hand off her arm and stormed over to the now silent Ensign. "You will take the Commander and locate us all some dry clothes so that we can at
least get some sleep tonight."

Tom glanced out at the storm raging outside the window and blanched. "Besides the fact that it's pouring like mad out there, the were no shops in the general area."

She clenched her jaw and tried to control her temper, "Fine, then what do you suggest Ensign? We all strip down and sleep in the nude? I don't think so." She gestured around the room, "Because it looks like some of us will be
having to share beds."

Tom sighed as he rubbed B'Elanna's arms, trying to help her get warm, "Question is, who is sleeping where?" He looked to one of the beds, "B'Elanna and I will take that one."

Seven looked suddenly uncomfortable, "Captain, I have only just become accustomed to sleeping rather than a normal regeneration cycle, I would prefer to do so alone."

Kathryn nodded, "Fine, you can have one of the cots, and I'll take the other." She looked at Chakotay and actually smiled, "You and Harry enjoy."

"I'm not sleeping with a guy," Harry protested, then blushed, "Sorry Commander, I mean no offense."

"Believe me Harry, none taken, the feeling is completely mutual." He studied the bed, "Besides, it hardly looks big enough to accommodate two grown men." A grin spread across his face as he leveled his gaze once more on Kathryn, "Looks like you get to decide who you want to share with." His eyes twinkled with mischief as he crossed his arms in challenge.

She closed her eyes in complete exasperation. "Fine, Harry looks like you're my partner tonight, but if either of you were gentlemen, you'd take the floor."

All the color drained out of Harry's face as she stared at him.  "Actually," he squeaked, "I like that idea, the floor is good, the floor is very good. The floor is my friend."

Chakotay started laughing and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "You know, you didn't have to scare the poor guy."

She growled, "Oh shut up Chakotay."

"Captain," Seven began, "it is highly illogical for anyone in this room to sleep on the floor when more comfortable sources have been provided. However, since comfort is irrelevant, I too will take the floor if it makes you feel better."

Kathryn threw up her hands in defeat. "Fine!" She poked Chakotay in the chest. "But you're sleeping on top of the covers."

His brow rose, "Oh really?" The corners of his mouth twitched, "Think carefully about that Kathryn, because it looks like we'll all be sleeping in the nude," he leaned forward, "or damned near close to it."

She took a step toward him and said in a deadly voice, "Then I suggest you sleep on your stomach, because you might wake up to find a few parts missing."

"Somebody's in a pissy mood."

"I suggest you shut up before I kill you and then we won't have to worry about where you're sleeping?"

He was saved from a reply as someone knocked on the door. Harry scrambled to open it to find a young woman holding a stack of linens.

As he took the stack and began passing them around, he noticed a stack of short cotton robes. Harry grinned as he handed one to Kathryn. "Looks like we've been granted a reprieve."

She shot Chakotay a dirty look, "Speak for yourself Ensign." She took the robe and marched into the small powder room at the back of the hotel room.

When she'd shut the door behind her Tom whistled, "Daaaamn, what did you do Chakotay?"

B'Elanna shook her head, "It's probably what he hasn't done."

Chakotay grinned, "What can I say, I can't help myself, she's so cute when she's pissed."

Harry blinked, "If you think that's cute, then you are either very brave or very stupid."

B"Elanna giggled. "Nah, he's in luuuuuuuvvv."

Chakotay opened his mouth to retort, but Kathryn chose that moment to re-enter the room. "And just who," she shot a look at the Lieutenant, "Is in love?"

"I am," Tom tossed B'Elanna over his shoulder and headed toward the bathroom, two robes draped over his arm, "and if we're not back in 15 minutes, don't come a knockin'."

Harry blocked the door. "Uh uh. If you're gonna hog the bathroom, at least have the courtesy to give Seven and I a go first. Besides which, I have no desire to hear you rabbits bouncing off the wall."

Kathryn threw her hands up in the air, "I'm surrounded by sex-crazed teenagers." She marched over to the bed and began making it. When she was finished she plopped down and drew a blanket over her. "Whatever you
children are going to do, please get it over with some of us would like to sleep sometime tonight."

"But Mommmmm Harry started it." Tom pouted against the door, having allowed B'Elanna to slide down beside him as Harry confiscated the bathroom.

"Nuh uh Tom did." Harry stuck out his tongue as he motioned Seven to go next.

Kathryn sighed in frustration and pounded her pillow. She glared over at Chakotay. "Remind me to never go on a vacation with the lot of you again."

Tom snickered. "Don't pay her any mind Chakotay. She's just pissed because she's finally got a reason to have you in her bed, and she can't do anything about it."

B'Elanna nodded, "You know Captain, if you'd just get some you'd be in a much better mood. And if you like, the rest of us can disappear for an hour while you and Chakotay 'wrestle' out the sleeping arrangements."

She sat up, glaring at the bunch, "I don't know when you all decided to make my sex life your business, but let me inform you that it's not. And I'll have you know that when and if I decide to 'get some' Chakotay will be the last person I consult on the matter."

"Oh that hurt. Sorry Chakkers. Thank goodness I have my woman hopelessly in love with me." Tom squeezed B'Elanna for effect.

Chakotay clasped his hand to his chest in mock agony. "Ouch now I'm really hurt Kathryn. And here I was thinking you were waiting for the lights to go out so we could, um, tangle the sheets."

"I'd sooner sleep with Harry." She shot a look at the Ensign, "And that was not a proposition."

Harry blushed, "Of course not Captain, and you have no idea how relieved I am, no offense intended."

B'Elanna snickered, "Besides, he wants Seven."

"Yeah," Tom waggled his brows, "and if she weren't so unaccustomed to sharing a bed, he could share a bed with her and the Captain wouldn't be afraid of catching cooties from Chakotay."

Kathryn sat up suddenly and grabbed her pillow, lugging it at Tom. "Enough! Go take your shower and get into bed. I've had about all I can stand."

Tom snickered again as he tugged B'Elanna into the bathroom. He couldn't resist sticking his head around the corner one last time. "Poor Chakotay. Guess we should have taken into account that she was so old. She has no
longevity. We haven't even gotten to foreplay and she's already exhausted."

"AAARRRGH!!" She screamed and threw the other pillow at him, "Go to hell Paris!" She dropped back down onto the bed and drew the blankets over her head, trying to block out their laughter.

Chakotay snickered and moved over to sit on the edge of the bed, "Kathryn don't be angry, it's all in good fun."

"Blow it out your ass," she muttered from beneath the blanket. "I am not old," she said again, a little softer.

Chakotay frowned when he detected the hurt in her voice and tugged the blanket away from her face, a pain shot through his heart when he noticed her tears, and was thankful he blocked her from the prying eyes of the others.
"Ahh, I'm sorry." He whispered, "if it makes you feel more comfortable I'll sleep on the floor."

"No," she muttered, "then I'll have to listen to Paris berate me about being bitter as well as old." She curled onto her side, "Just forget about it."

He leaned in closer. To the others it looked as though he were making a move. Harry grinned at Seven and rolled over on his cot to give them some privacy and motioned Seven to do the same. When all prying eyes were elsewhere he whispered softly in her ear. "You know, we could just give them something to talk about." Her eyes narrowed, but the look in them told him she was interested. "Well it would shock the hell out of all of them if they actually thought we were doing something, and that's all it would be, a show for a greedy audience."


A smile tugged at her lips, her mind was screaming at her to proceed with caution, but the door to the bathroom opened to reveal their cocky pilot. "You're on."  Her eyes twinkled with definite mischief as she glanced from
Tom to Chakotay. "Just how," she whispered, "do you plan on proceeding?"

"Trust me," he winked at her, then turned to the two giggling lovers as they climbed into bed. "I trust you saved some hot water for me?"

B'Elanna giggled as Tom nuzzled her neck and tried to push him away, "Would you stop that, you're going to embarrass Harry. Yeah, there's still plenty, but be careful it gets awfully hot, awfully quick."

"Good," he stood and started to head toward the bathroom, but stopped mid-stride, "Damnit I'm forgetting something." He sauntered back over to the bed and scooped Kathryn up, ignoring her squeals of protest, and threw her over his shoulder. Then he swaggered toward the bathroom, "We'll try to keep it down."

Kathryn glanced up just in time to see a look of complete shock and stunned silence cross the faces of her crew. As Chakotay closed the door she heard Seven. "Why ever would the Commander need to take the Captain into the bathroom with him?"

"Uh just drop it Seven."

Kathryn started laughing almost as soon as the door shut behind them, "Oh that was priceless."

He chuckled as he moved over and turned on the shower, "You start making noise and I'll take a shower."

Her eyes widened, "You can't take a shower now."

His brow rose, "Then when pray tell may I?"

Kathryn shifted uncomfortably, "Well it's just that... not while I'm in here!"

He shook his head, "Then turn around if you don't want to see anything," he started peeling off his wet clothes, despite her protest. For flare, he tugged off his shoes and tossed them against the wall, giving those outside
the impression of clothes being ripped off and kicked out of the way.

Kathryn whirled around to the face the door until she heard him step into the shower, "And just what exactly am I supposed to do?"

"A little moaning would be nice, maybe a few cries here and there."

A thought entered her head and she slammed her hands against the door, and followed it with a loud moan, "Oh god!" She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at the absurdity, but even as she did it she thought about the look on Tom's face, and moaned a little louder.

"That a girl," Chakotay chuckled, "You have no idea what you're doing for my reputation."

"I have a few ideas," she muttered as she turned around, disappointed and thankful at the same time for the thick shower curtain separating her from her nude first officer. She leaned back against the door and began bumping
against it with her rear, each one being punctuated with a sharp moan.

Out in the main room, the foursome shared shocked and amazed looks. Tom rolled over, grabbing B'Elanna and holding her close, trying to ignore the sounds emanating from the closed door. Harry pulled the pillow over his head, giving Tom a desperate look. "Do something! This is as bad as listening to your parents have sex!"


Seven sat there, a look of confusion written all over her face, "I don't get it." Her statement was followed by another loud moan, this time Chakotay's voice, which was followed by a very feminine chuckle.

B'Elanna groaned, "I can't take it anymore," she reached for her shoe and tossed it at the bathroom door, "Damnit, keep it down in there, some people are trying to sleep."

Her only answer was a sharp cry as their Captain obviously reached her peak, followed shortly by a rather loud and very deep groan that was all male.

When they finally left the bathroom, the room was dark and silent. Kathryn allowed Chakotay to cuddle her on their way out the door, and she fought hard to suppress her chuckles as she noticed no one even moving under the covers. She sighed as she crawled into bed and tried not to notice the warm, hard body of her first officer as he climbed in next to her. The very smell of warm soapy male went straight to her head and for a moment she actually considered making love to him.

Thoughts of lying beneath him ran rampant through her mind, sending jolts of pleasure careening through her body to finally pool between her legs. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to make it look to Chakotay that she was simply burrowing deeper into the bedding. She froze when her hip brushed his thigh, holding her breath as she waited for him to respond in one way or another. When he didn't, she breathed easier and settled on her side, and tried to push the images and thoughts of Chakotay out of her mind.

He didn't make it easy for her though, she was half asleep when he rolled into her and slid an arm around her waist. "We don't want them getting the wrong idea, do we Kathryn?" He whispered into her ear as he pulled her flush against him.

Her eyes widened in surprise as his thigh slipped between hers and his hand slid down to cup her butt. She opened her mouth to protest but he stopped her with a slow lazy kiss that stole her breath and her  thoughts. As he pulled back his eyes had a knowing gleam. He leaned close, nibbling lightly on her ear. "Shhh don't want the kids to know what we're really doing do we?" Her breath caught on a sigh as he shifted his thigh, pressing against her. "You know what I think Kathryn? You want me just as much as I want you." Once more his hand slid over the naked curve of her bottom and teasingly dipped into the crevice between her thighs.

She drew in a sharp intake of breath and turned her face into her pillow, biting down on it to keep from crying out. Her chest was rising and falling in a rapid rhythm, and it surprised her that no one else could hear how hard her heart was pounding against her chest. Despite her refusal to respond further, her hips arched into his hand, and her legs opened just enough to allow him further entrance. She cursed herself for it, and curled her fingers into the bedding to keep from rolling toward him.

Chakotay simply grinned against the smooth skin of her neck and dipped his fingers deeper into her warmth. The muscles of her inner walls clenched around his fingers, and he struggled to hold back a groan as he slowly began
moving them within her.


Chakotay would have none of her hiding. He slid his free hand a little lower on her back and pulled her flush against him so he could nibble at her exposed throat. His movement forced her away from her pillow and in a move of pure self preservation, she bit his shoulder. He jerked at the sharp pain but continued to stroke her with smooth deep thrusts of his fingers, pulling her to the edge. As her body clenched around his  fingers, he kissed her brow, riding out the soul shaking tremors. He brought her down with soothing strokes, waiting her out. As her body relaxed against his, he smiled again and cuddled her closer. He kissed her once more on the forehead and tucked her tight against him. "Thank you love, you are beautiful."

She lay confused in his embrace for a long time after her breathing had returned to normal, wondering just what the hell was going on. Tears stung her eyes as she felt his arousal nudge against her belly, yet still he refused to touch her beyond the occasional stroke across her back. Finally she pulled back just far enough to look up at him, there was a look of such peace on his face that her breath caught in her throat.  She felt honor bound to return the favor, despite her better judgment.

Kathryn reached between them with trembling hands and parted the edges of his robe. Then with little hesitation she curled her fingers around his protruding member and began to lightly stroke him from base to tip.

He caught her hand and drew it up to his mouth kissing her knuckles.

"What?" Her voice filled with uncertainty.

He pulled her back down until she was lying against his chest where he could talk to her without being overheard. "I touched you because I have wanted to for so long I couldn't control myself. I have always wanted to watch you come apart in my arms. I knew you would be beautiful and you were, but I pushed, took unfair advantage. I appreciate your thoughts. I love the fact that you feel you should return the favor, but when you touch me Kathryn, when you make me come apart in your arms, I want it to be because you can't resist yourself, because you want to more than anything in the universe."

She stared at him, her eyes filling with tears again as his words sank in. No man had ever treated her with more respect, or cherished her more than he had at that very moment. In the past, a touch, a caress, even an embrace had all come with strings attached, an understanding that it was to be returned. And she realized, that never before had she wanted to touch someone more than she wanted to touch him right then. She reached up and touched his cheek with trembling fingers, "You didn't touch me in any way that I didn't allow Chakotay," she whispered softly. "I could have pushed you away at any time and you would have rolled over and forgotten all about what you had in mind."She caressed his cheek with her hand, steadily moving the touch downward across his chest.  "Let me touch you Chakotay..." she leaned forward and brushed a kiss across his lips, "I want to."

The voice that echoed through the room was like a splash of cold water over them.  "Sheesh don't you guys ever stop? Get a private room will ya?" Tom grumbled as he rolled over to glare at them.

Chakotay, being Chakotay, grabbed Kathryn around the waist and hauled her over him.  Her eyes widened as her lower body came into contact with his aroused flesh.  Noting the connecting points of their bodies, he shifted her
until she was sitting a little higher on his waist. "Shut up Paris, we're busy."

He winked at her as he slid his hands beneath her robe, resting them just above her hips--but the others didn't know that.

Taking his cue, Kathryn let her head fall back and arched her body accordingly, while Chakotay leaned forward and pretended to be feasting on her exposed skin.  The rhythm she set was slow, and hopefully believable, as
she began undulating against waist.

Harry was the next to groan, "I'm too young to be seeing this, at least take it back into the bathroom."

Seven arched a brow and propped herself up on her elbow, she watched the show for several moments before finally commenting, "Captain, why is the Commander's----"

"Shut up Seven!" Three different voices shouted as the owners tugged pillows over their heads to block out the moaning that was taking place in the next bed.

Tom groaned from under his pillow as Kathryn emitted a sharp moan. "If you two must do that... just don't be comin' around the ship with no babies.."

Kathryn glanced down at Chakotay, her voice filled with remorse. "Oops... I knew there was something I was supposed to tell you.."

Chakotay chuckled. "So that's why you've been in such a bad mood all day..."

She blinked at him in wide eyed wonder and asked in a frightened little voice. "You have had your booster haven't you?"

"Uh uh? You?"

"Damn, I knew I forgot something..."

B'Elanna groaned. "Oh great, just great. You two have been at it all along, and just pulling the wool over our eyes. it figures we'd go on vacation with you and you'd go into a sexual orgy... and you're heedless of the consequences."

Kathryn couldn't stop her chuckles at B'Elanna's comment. Collapsing against Chakotay's chest, she sighed. "Alright, I give. I think I've had my revenge for all the teasing today." She patted his chest as she laughed. "I can't believe you guys fell for it."

"Ha, ha, ha," Tom rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow, "Tell me another one, I ain't biting on this one. Besides, the old man over there has a hard on the size of a torpedo."

Kathryn rolled her eyes as she rolled off Chakotay and got comfortable on her side, "Believe what you want Tom, but I'm telling you, nothing has been going on but an elaborately concocted plan to get even with you for those little
comments of yours." She closed her eyes and started to go to sleep, but not without one final word, "And I'll have you know that I am not old."

B'Elanna studied the two snuggled comfortable on the bed with a knowing glint in her eyes. Nothing may have happened, but it certainly looked like it was now.  With a nudge to Tom, she borrowed under his arm and snuggled down. "Uh huh, well at least someone is having some fun tonight. Go to sleep will you? We have to get up early tomorrow."

Kathryn glanced over at her briefly. "Why? I'm the Captain. I can extend our vacation if I want to."

Chakotay snickered and pulled her closer to his body. "You? Take extra time off without a phaser to your head? Are you feeling okay?

She wiggled against him, smiling when he groaned softly, "I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you'd keep your hands to your self," but she snuggled against him inspite of the warning bells in her head that continued to tell her to move away from him.  "Besides, the ship isn't going anywhere without us, and we can't help it if we were delayed by the planet's atmospheric turbulence."

"You," Chakotay mumbled in her ear, "definitely have a bad streak."

"And I have a definite tired streak," Harry grumbled.

"Sorry," they mumbled together and settled down to sleep.

Morning brought with it another round of sexual awareness as Kathryn awoke to find herself literally on top of Chakotay. Her head was buried in the crook of his neck, and her lower body was draped languidly over his thighs. The feel of his arousal pressing against her buttocks sent a shiver running through her. Uncertain what to do, she raised herself slowly, intent of moving off of him before he woke. The feel of his hands clamping down on her thighs forced her eyes to his. His gaze was so intense that her breath caught in her throat. For a moment she felt like an animal caught in a hunter's sight.  Even as a shiver of panic washed over her, another shiver of desire washed it away. Unaware of her movement, she shifted undulating against him, biting back the moan that rose in throat at the feel of him brushing so intimately against her. If anything, Chakotay's gaze became more intent as his fingers tightened almost painfully into her thighs. She swallowed a gasp as one hand rose to tangle in her hair and pull her down to meet his lips. Hungrily, fiercely he tasted her mouth, sharing deep, soul searing kisses, yet even in his need, strangely gently.

"If you two insist on providing another show, I'm game, but can we have breakfast first?"

The two broke apart guiltily as Tom's voice washed over them. Looking up they noted an audience of four grinning cheekily. Kathryn blushed as she shifted off Chakotay, adjusting her robe for modesty. Even though it was
hard to meet their eyes, she did, and stuck out her tongue to boot. "I was enjoying my breakfast, at least until you interrupted me."

Tom shook his head in disgust and grabbed his clothes off the hanger and headed into the bathroom. "For people who aren't involved, you sure spend a lot of time in each others arms. I think I'll start the betting pool back up, only this time we'll set a birth date."

Kathryn started to reply but Chakotay caught her arm and dragged her down for another kiss. "Let it go. I'd much rather play until it's our turn."

Shooting a triumphant look at the others, Kathryn allowed herself to enjoy being held and kissed for a change.

The morning held an incessant round of teasing all the way around, until the girls finally declared a shopping trip before returning to the ship.

As they entered the Department store Kathryn turned to the guys, "Alright, how about we meet you back here in about an hour?"

Chakotay and Tom looked at each other and shrugged, then looked at Harry, "Sounds good to me," he personally didn't care where they met as long as he could get out of his clammy clothes.

"Great," Kathryn took B'Elanna and Seven's arms and led them into the direction of women's clothing. Shopping was a secret love of hers, and the sooner she got started, the happier she'd be. As they walked through the aisles, looking for the appropriate sizes, she stopped, her eyes drawn to a light blue number. She reached for it and held it up to eye level, it was a light weight dress, made of flowing material, with  buttons down the front. As she looked at it, she guessed it would probably fall to about mid-thigh. With a decisive nod she thrust it at Seven, "You know, this would look great on you."

The former borg eyed it carefully, "But there is so little of it there."

Kathryn and B'Elanna laughed, "So, it would still look great on you." She threw it over her arm, "And whether you like it or not, I'm getting it for you." She went back to perusing through the racks of clothes, "It's about time you started wearing real clothes, you can't wear those cat-suits forever."

"Here, here!" B'Elanna piped in, "I for one am tired of all the men on the ship going ga-ga every time you walk into the room." She leaned closer to Kathryn, "That and the fact that she makes the rest of us look fat."

Kathryn chuckled and looked around the women's department, "Alright, where are the petites...I need the petites, Ah!" She exclaimed when she spotted them, and made a bee-line in their direction. She wiggled uncomfortably and
made a funny face at B'Elanna, "I'm sorry, but damp silk is just damned uncomfortable, I don't care how much that damned man likes looking through it."

The half Klingon snickered, "You've got it bad."

"I do not," she drew herself up straight, and pretended to be studying a pale green outfit.

"Give it up," B'Elanna flipped through clothes on a nearby rack, "After that little performance last night *and* this morning, I'm not buying it anymore."

"That's precisely what it was B'Elanna, a performance." She held up short sleeved blouse and studied it carefully, "A carefully planned performance used to get back at you people and you're unruly teasing." She frowned
slightly, "And what do you mean this morning?"

She grinned broadly, "Oh, just the way the two of you were curled around each other, like you were just so afraid if you let go for even a second the other would disappear, and there was that undeniable embrace, and the
kissing... Now," she prodded, "Tell me what's going on."

The older woman blushed as she turned to move to a different rack, "Nothing is going on, exactly."

"Uh huh," B'Elanna followed her, not willing to give up just yet. "So why did you look so guilty when Tom and I caught you last night, and this morning, if that is, you weren't really doing anything besides acting."

"I did not look guilty, and we were just acting." She threw another outfit over her arm, and lifted a different for inspection.

"Right, tell me another one." B'Elanna leaned toward her, "You're forgetting that Klingons have a keen sense of hearing, I heard you, both of you. We both know that if Tom hadn't opened his big mouth it probably would have gone a lot further."

Kathryn blushed three shades of red, "It was nothing, just drop it."

"It was too something, what happened?"

She sighed, "When I went into the bathroom with him, that was just a joke. He was in the shower the whole time and I was the one banging on the door. But later..."  She shifted her weight from foot to foot, "And when he pulled
me on top of him, that was nothing... but everything in between.." She stared at her young friend, "Have you ever wanted to touch someone so badly your fingers itched? Have you ever felt so completely loved that it took your breath away?" Her eyes brimmed with tears, "He did that to me last night," she sighed, "he took an unfair advantage, yes, because I couldn't protest his probing without letting you guys know what was going on. But my god B'Elanna, I couldn't push him away. And I knew then, surely as I know now, that if I had he would have stopped immediately." She took her purchases and walked back to pick out a few more things for Seven. "Last night was the first time a man has touched me since I got us stuck in this god forsaken place. And it was the first orgasm I've had in five years that wasn't brought on by my own damned hands. And he did it all without expecting anything from me. I tried to return the favor and he wouldn't let me, he stopped me because he didn't want me to feel like I owed him anything. He didn't want me touching him until I wanted to so badly I couldn't help myself, and damnit B'Elanna at that moment I'd never wanted anything so badly." She looked away, uncomfortable, "And if Tom hadn't chosen that moment to open his big mouth it probably would have gone a lot farther, a hell of a lot farther. She smiled shyly, "But when I do touch him, I don't want prying eyes and ears in the room."

B'Elanna stared at her for several moments, then grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the clothes rack. "I know just what you need."

"Where are we going?"

"This planet's equivalent of a lingerie department," B'Elanna grinned at her, "You need something to knock his socks off with."

"Oh no," Kathryn pulled away from her, "I want him to keep his socks on, at least until I figure out what's going on."

"That's your problem right there," B'Elanna pulled her into the racks of underwear and nighties, "You need to stop thinking and start doing."

"This is a really bad idea," Kathryn turned around and tried to leave, but Seven was blocking her path.

"No, it's a really good idea," B'Elanna starting flipping through the racks of nighties, and held up a black see through number, "Mmm, no that one is more me and Tom."  She studied Kathryn closely, "For you, I'm thinking...."
She chewed on the inside of her cheek, "Something in white or beige.... " She lifted a nightie and studied it, it was made of something akin to silk and flowed possibly to ankle length with a lace bordered slit running up the left side. The straps were spaghetti thin, and the top was low cut and also bordered with lace. "This is perfect, he'll keel over at first sight."

Kathryn shook her head, "I don't think so, if I wanted to wear a nightie I'd wear one that I've already got on the ship."

"Uh huh," B'Elanna draped the night gown over her arm, "And how long have you had those gowns, hmm? Probably since long before you beamed aboard Voyager, which probably means you wore them for your ex. Bad idea, you never wear a nightie you've worn for another man, it's bad luck."

Kathryn thought about it for a minute, then reached out and snatched the night gown from her, "You're right, now let's get out of here before one of them sees us over here."  She pushed Seven back toward casual wear and picked out one final outfit, "This one you'll probably have to try on, it looks like it'll fit, but I'm not sure."  She held up the tan, spaghetti strapped sundress for Seven's approval.

The young woman looked decidedly uncomfortable, "Try it on?"

"Oh for crying out loud," Kathryn shoved her things into B'Elanna's arms and pushed Seven toward the fitting rooms. She led her toward one and pushed her inside, then followed shutting the door behind her. When Seven continued to stare at her she sighed and signaled her to turn around, when she had she unzipped the back of the woman's jumper and waited for her to pull it off. When the skin tight outfit lay in a pool around her feet, Kathryn unzipped the back of the dress and held it out to her, "Now slip this over your head."

Seven did as she was told, then waited as it was zipped up. She tugged awkwardly at the bottom of the dress, which flowed around her knees. "This is acceptable?"

Kathryn eyed her carefully, "It's more than acceptable Seven, Harry won't know what hit him."

The young woman frowned, "Why should Ensign Kim worry about me hitting him?"

She groaned as she opened the door and allowed B'Elanna a look at her handy work, "Did I not say it would look good on her?"

The Klingon whistled, "Damn, you're good." She narrowed her eyes in thought, "Now all she needs are shoes... and then I think she should just wear it back to the ship."

Kathryn's eyes lit up, "Ooh, good idea." She turned around and studied the dress, "Something in a sandal I'm thinking."

The shopping spree continued well past the intended hour, but the guys accepted it with a smile, eventually joining them as they toured the mall attached to the store.

Chakotay continued to watch his Captain as the day progressed, looking for a retraction of her earlier mood, and any regrets she might have acquired as they day wore on. Instead he found her more carefree than he'd ever seen her, and she moved willingly with him into a small shop when he maneuvered her away from their younger companions.  "Kathryn," once out of the sight of prying eyes he studied her closely, "what's going on with you today? You've never allowed me this close before."

Her eyes drifted closed briefly, and a small sigh passed through her lips, "Do you have to ruin it now?" She caught sight of the others entering the shop over his shoulder, "Let's just say you struck a chord last night, and so did Tom. I'm not getting any younger Chakotay and now that I know what I'm missing... it's a little hard to just go back to the way things were. I don't know what's going on, but at the moment I don't have the energy to analyze it, can we just enjoy it?" With that she tipped her face up and brushed a kiss across his mouth, then quickly moved to join the others.

He stared after her in stunned surprise and then smiled. Who would have guessed that one moment of lost control would bring everything into his grasp? Now he just hoped he had the strength to hold on to it.

Night approached and found the group reluctantly moving back to the transport center and preparing the space bus for the trip back to the visitor's station. In just hours they would be back aboard Voyager and their vacation would be over, this frightened Chakotay, more than he would like to admit. And though he found himself sitting in the rear of the shuttle, Kathryn curled comfortably in the corner of the seat next to him, he was still unable to relax.

"Chakotay, what's wrong?" She finally asked after he'd shifted for maybe the hundredth time. She had leaned toward him to whisper her concerns, not wanting to catch the attention of their young friends in the front of the shuttle.

He shifted again. "Nothing." At her hurt look her sighed and closed his eyes. "Damnit Kathryn, how can you ask that? I'm afraid we are going to lose this magical time and when we get back to Voyager you are going to remember that you are the Captain and this can't be for whatever reason you believe that. Personally, I don't know how to let go, and I don't want to."

Relief swamped her eyes, "Is that all?" A small smile tugged at her lips as she leaned forward, once more lowering her voice, "Chakotay, I don't know what's going to happen when we get back to the ship, but I can promise you right now I have no plans to end this.  It's just one of those bridges we're going to have to cross when we get there." She scooted towards him, "I don't know how I'm going to feel about this once we're back on the ship, but I know that today I've been more comfortable with you than I ever have."  She reached forward and lightly brushed his cheek with her fingers, "I can't promise I'll still feel this way in a day or a week, or even a month, but I promise to try."

He sighed softly and nodded, "I guess that's all I can really ask," he shrugged, "and it's definitely more than we had yesterday."

"Yes," she brushed a whisper of a kiss across his lips, "it is..." She playfully tugged at his lower lip with her teeth, then leaned back, her eyes challenging him to do something about it.

Chakotay's eyes narrowed momentarily, then he reached for her and pulled her across his lap, he wasted no time crushing her lips in a hungry kiss, while his hands roamed down her body. She parted her lips under his insistent probing and met his tongue as it invaded her mouth. She had just shifted against him, her bottom rubbing suggestively against his growing arousal when a voice called from the front of the shuttle.

"Alright you two, knock it off," Tom shook his head, "You're worse than a couple of sex-crazed teenagers."

Kathryn flashed him a glare before turning back to Chakotay and arching against him suggestively. "You should know Paris, seeing as how you are little more than a teenager and your sexual exploits entertain the entire crew."

"Hey," B'Elanna grumbled sleepily, "I resemble that remark."

Kathryn cackled as she repositioned herself over Chakotay's lap, straddling him, despite the fact that she was wearing a skirt. When his eyes widened in question she leaned forward and whispered, "Wanna play?"

A slow, wicked, smile spread across his face as his hands slid up the back of her thighs, disappearing beneath her short skirt. He arched against her suggestively, pressing his arousal against her. He was rewarded when her eyes widened, then darkened in desire.  She leaned forward and kissed him, letting it linger between them before pulling away.  Then with a wink she let her head fall back, she began to undulate slowly, grinding against him.

Tom's eyes nearly popped out of his head as the two disappeared behind the seat the rough sounds of foreplay and moaning could be heard. Unable to take it a moment longer he suddenly yelled "Hand check!" He almost laughed when everybody's hands touched the ceiling of the shuttle. Even as Chakotay and Kathryn's hands came up behind the seat, the moaning continued. In desperation he tried again. "Mouth check!" The others looked at him in surprise.

Kathryn's voice came over slightly muffled. "Chakotay's is fine."

At the exact same moment Chakotay replied. "Mine's busy."

Kathryn's chest shook with silent laughter, even as she bit back a real moan as Chakotay's hands slid beneath her lace underwear. His mouth was actually quite busy where it moved along her neck, nibbling and nipping at soft skin. Her eyes widened when his fingers danced across her damp folds, teasing her with his caresses.

Chakotay for his part simply smiled, and brushed another kiss across her mouth, before lowering his head to nuzzle her breasts through her blouse.

"Can't you two at least wait until we're back on the ship? Geez.." Harry grumbled from ahead.

"Obviously not," Seven shifted uncomfortably in her seat as the lovers play continued.

Kathryn bit back another giggle. "Well quit bitchin' Harry and make use of the time to introduce Seven into a few educational experiences of her own."

Harry's mouth dropped, then opened and closed like a fish for several seconds as he seriously contemplated the idea. He glanced at Seven speculatively.

She raised a brow. "Don't even think about it Opps Boy."

"HA!" Kathryn's back arched off the bench as she cackled, "guess you won't be getting lucky after all Harry, sorry about that." Her cackling turned into a squeal as Chakotay bit her nipple, "Hey not so rough tattoo boy," she purred, "you'll have plenty of time to devour me later..."

"That's it!" Harry threw his hands up into the air and rose, turning to face the couple, "I can't take it anymore! You want each other, fine! You can't keep your hands off each other, fine! BUT WE DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" His hands gripped the back of his seat, "No body in this shuttle is interested in listening to the two of you get it on back there, we get the point already, now give it a rest!"

Kathryn blinked, then grinned, "Harry," she drawled, "at ease before you Sprain something." She glance down at Chakotay and that which was nudging against her thigh, "You too babe." She sat up and righted her clothes, noting that Chakotay was doing the same, then went willingly when he pulled her to lean against him, content just to let him hold her.

The rest of the trip was carried out in a series of teasing, joking, and playing that resulted in good humor and laughter. Bad jokes and sexual innuendo punctuated the trip until all occupants were having a great time. Kathryn was surprised at how much her guard had dropped. There were moments when her doubts clicked in and she questioned her actions, but it had been so long since she had dropped her guard and enjoyed this kind of company with anyone that she pushed it aside and went with the flow.

When finally they arrived back aboard Voyager she didn't hesitate when Chakotay took her hand and led her from the shuttle bay. Nor did she hesitate when he pulled her into his arms in the turbolift, she was still unsure as to where she was going with all of this, but at least they were going somewhere.

Chakotay kept his arm around her waist when the doors to the lift slid open, and maneuvered her down the corridor and into his quarters,  because they were closer than hers. But the moment the doors closed behind them they each dropped their bags, his hands swept quickly down her back, cupped her thighs and pulled her upward into his arms,  straddling him.

As his mouth descended on her she wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her legs around his waste, grinding against him as he walked them through his darkened cabin toward his bedroom. She ground against him, a sense of satisfaction coursing over her as she felt the arousal she knew he'd been fighting for the last two days throbbing against her.

They bumped into the wall, her back abrading on the surface. The force of the contact pushed her tighter against him and thought was lost as the sensations washed through them both. All thought of a tender  lovemaking in bed disappeared as Chakotay braced her against the wall and allowed his hands to tour her body. The caress was rough and urgent but not uncomfortable. Kathryn reveled in it and encouraged him on with wild little moans and frantic movements of her body. "Now Chakotay! No more waiting. Now!"

A soft gasp escaped her throat as his hands pushed up her skirt and his knee wedged between her thighs, brushing against her. His fingers  tangled in the silk of her panties and pulled them from her. She growled as he nipped at her throat. "Those were new... and for you."

He paused briefly and lifted the black silk and lace, studying it carefully. "They are lovely. If I didn't need you so badly, I would have taken the time to allow you to model them." He leaned in again, this time to kiss the flesh exposed by her cleavage. The underwear dropped from his fingers and his hand made its way back to her thighs.  Slowly his fingers pierced the sensitive skin. He groaned as her heat and   moisture flowed over him. "Now though, I'm more interested in exploring you."

"Sounds like a plan to m--Oh god!" She groaned loudly as he drove a finger inside her, "Have I ever mentioned," she nipped at his neck, leaving little red marks behind, "how much I love your hands," she groaned again as another finger joined the first.

"Not to my knowledge," he mumbled as he went about ripping the clasp of her bra open with his teeth, "but if you really want to talk about my hands, go ahead."

"I don't think so," she gasped as his mouth closed over a breast, "your hands are really the last thing on my mind," she ripped at his shirt, satisfied when the buttons when flying.

"Oh really? My hands are the last thing on your mind?" He nearly chuckled at her groan of frustration as he pulled his hand from her. "In that case perhaps I should get something to take their place." She screamed in pleasure as he plunged deep inside her, stopping only long enough to give her body a chance to adjust. "Is this better?"

"Oh gods yes... Chakotay...." Her voice was drawn out on a moan as he began to move deep and slow inside her.

Her thighs tightened around his waist in an attempt to pull him further into her, "Chakotay," her nails sank into his shoulders, as much as she loved what he was doing right now, he wasn't moving nearly fast enough, "now is not the time to tease me.."

His teeth closed over her nipple, drawing another deep groan from her, he pulled her away from the wall and moved once again toward the bed. He managed to remain inside of her as he tumbled them both onto the bed, his fingers curled around her wrists as he lifted her arms over her head and pressed them into the mattress. His mouth closed over hers in a hungry kiss as he began to thrust again, moving with long, deep strokes.

She tightened her thighs around him, moving in counter rhythm. "Faster Chakotay, give me more. Give me all of you."

"Yes!" His rhythm changed then, becoming faster and more erratic. His mouth closed over hers as he felt her clench around him, her body stiffening in ecstasy.  Her body tightening around his own forced him over the edge and he joined her, his groans mingling with her own in completion. He collapsed against her, resting his head in the crook of her neck. After several moments he shifted, pulling her into the crook of his arm and cuddling her closer. "If I'd have had any inkling of how you would feel in my arms, I would have done this a long time ago."

She smiled against him, kissing his chest. "I wasn't ready a long time ago."

"True. Are you ready now?"

"A little late now isn't it?"

"Somewhat, but I still care about what you feel. I want you to be in my arms always. I know you're content enough to be here, or we wouldn't be, but I want to be sure."

Kathryn sat up and stared deeply into his eyes. "I've really given you a run haven't I. All I know for certain is that I love you and I want to be here. The rest, well we'll deal with that in time." She leaned forward then, kissing him, a slow, gentle, searching kiss. One that spoke of both her love and understanding. "I don't fall into relationships easily Chakotay. If I weren't ready, I wouldn't be here." She pulled back again to meet his eyes.  "Maybe you pushed a bit, but then again, maybe I needed to be pushed. I think I've slipped so far into what I do that I've forgotten who I am. You reminded me of that and I can't thank you enough. I want to be a woman again, one who is loved and appreciated, and I want you to be the man who does it."

He looped a hand behind her neck and pulled her down, thoroughly kissing her, then with a quick movement rolled her beneath him again. "I do love you Kathryn," her took her hands and intertwined their fingers, "but I don't want to see you get hurt by something that is not in your control."

"How can I get hurt Chakotay..." a slow smile spread across her face, "when I have you here to protect me? I know what I want, and I'm tired of my life being dictated in terms of the ship and the crew, we both work damned hard to make their lives easier, more bearable. I think it's high time we did something to make our own lives bearable. I've already admitted that I'm afraid, but how can I get hurt doing something that feels so right."

His lips curved into a smile, his head already lowering to brush a kiss across her lips, "I feel the same way Kathryn, I guess I just needed to hear you say it."

She snickered, "Besides, it's a little late to turn back now." She laughed, "We've already thrown every regulation in the book right out the air lock.. hell, we threw them away in the hotel last night." She pushed against him slightly and rolled them until she straddled him, "Now... about that little matter we discussed in the shuttle.."

Chakotay sat up, his hands already working to divest her of the rest of her clothing, items they hadn't bothered to remove in their haste...like her dress. "Oh? What little matter would that be, I seem to remember a lot of.. matters... being discussed in the shuttle." His eyes twinkled with mischief as his head lower to the valley between her breasts.

"Oh nothing much..." She moaned when his tongue traced a path across the swell of one breast, "just that little promise you made to devour me--" She squealed when he flipped her onto her back.

He kissed her mouth once as he took her hands and placed them against the headboard, "That reminds me...hold on Kathryn, and remember... you asked for it.."

Her screams could be heard in the corridor outside his cabin, causing passers to smile as they recognized the voice, and the nature of the sounds coming from within.

Harry was one such passer, and he threw his hands up in exasperation, crying, "God!  Don't they ever stop!"
